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Our #MidsummerCountdown to a new show!

Writer's picture: Faustian NonsenseFaustian Nonsense

Updated: May 26, 2021

The creators that make up Faustian Nonsense aren't ones to shy away from a challenge, and we've given ourselves a big one: one month (32 days, if you include the day we started this countdown) to make an audio drama miniseries!

The show? An adaptation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, set in 2020: A Midsummer's Quarantine! We hope to be ready to release on Midsummer's Day (June 20, 2021).

We've started writing it, but there's still a long way to go. Can we make it by June 20?

Our most important rule for this challenge: we will to stick to all of our ethical business practices. That means none of us will overwork ourselves to reach the deadline. No crunch-time-style long hours, no forcing work instead of sick/personal/mental health days, and no pressuring people to push through burnout. An apparently radical idea, but we firmly believe that people operate better (and therefore make better art!) when they're fed, well rested, and supported by a loving community.

We feel that this contest is a great opportunity to flex our strengths as a company. 'Ethical businesses in the creative industry were not only possible to run, but were both sustainable AND profitable' is the whole premise FN was built upon. This is the biggest influencing element in anything we do! Since we're still a wee baby company running on high hopes and stubbornness, a lot of the progress we make will be made the hard way.

If you find that our goal to run an ethical creative business resonates with you, or if you're just delighted to support us in all our Faustian shenanigans, do us a favor and subscribe to our Patreon!

Of course, it wouldn't be Faustian at all if we didn't give you a little gift in return for your kindness, right?

So to celebrate this company contest and to thank everyone for believing in our mission: EVERYONE subscribed to our Patreon at ANY TIER as of 11:59PM (PST) the night of June 20 will get a limited edition exclusive enamel pin featuring A Midsummer's Quarantine art--whether we make our deadline or not! (More details below)

This is an ambitious project, we know. But nothing in the creative industry is going to change without someone challenging it. Why not start by challenging ourselves?

We'll be updating this blog as we work on the show, so stop by periodically to see our progress!

The requirements to get the pin:

  • Be subscribed to our Patreon at any tier at midnight the night of June 20

  • Have made at least one Patreon payment (this can happen after the deadline, Patreon will automatically charge on July 1, you just have to stay subscribed until at least then to qualify)

  • Tweet, 'Gram, or otherwise post about the #MidsummerQuarantine on social media at least once

Click here to see detailed progress

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