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Join the FN Discord, plus a cross-promotion opportunity!

Image of Pod, a deep blue and orange shadow creature with a jack-o-lantern like face with 6 glowing eyes and many glowing teeth. He has tentacular fingers and is waving at you.

My Dearest Humans and Nonhumans... Do you like listening to fiction podcasts? Of course you do. Is Twitter rapidly going downhill, leaving you bereft of community? We all know the answer to that. Do you want to talk to other people who like listening to fiction podcasts? You do now. Well good news! Faustian Nonsense has a community Discord server for people just like you! Hang out with other fans of FN shows, and occasionally the creators themselves! Trade memes, theories, and agonies, and find your new best friends and most murderous enemies by joining the FN Discord server today, all you have to do is CLICK HERE. If you’ve already joined the server in the past, come back and see us–the server’s had a bit of a makeover, with new sections for more recent shows, and an updated process for getting the roles you’ve always wanted!

Image of a Discord invitation that says: You've been invited to join a server, Faustian Nonsense Community, with 156 members, 32 online

In other news…Are you a podcast creator? Are you looking for cross-promotion opportunities? The mysterious beings that run Faustian Nonsense are looking for other podcasts to cross-pollinate with. You want some of FN’s audience to become your audience? You want to introduce your audience to other delightful shows? FN is looking to do feed drop trades, particularly–that means you drop an episode of an FN show in your podcast feed, and that show drops an episode of yours, each with an introduction by the feed’s usual host to tell the audience how awesome this dropped episode is. It’s a highly effective way to grow your audience, and your audience gets more tasty fiction treats! It’s a win-win. If you have a podcast and you like win-win scenarios, email and let FN’s mysterious beings know about your show. Tell them Pod sent you. What could go wrong?

Until next time,

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Nov 28, 2023

Is it possible to share videos on your discord channel? I have a couple of good videos about fiction, and thanks to the discord video compressor I will upload it to your channel, I hope you approve it and let other people see it!

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